Blackfin 29 Upgrades 2014 Thru 2016 Pics and Story

2014 thru 2016 was a dynamic time for the Blackfin 29 "Aquarius" story, many upgrades along with the normal maintenance ongoing. There was more focus on scuba diving put into the use of Aquarius. Foldable dive ladder, tank holders, and stern handrails were added along with a need for much more storage. By now we were really wanting a permanent anchor person as walking to the foredeck was hard with installed windshield and bow rail. We tried everything to make access to foredeck/anchoring from the backend of the boat easier. Lighter anchor rode, trimmed bow pulpit, remove cleats and installed bullhorn. Everything helped but anchoring and pulling anchor manually was getting old, so a windlass plan was inevible. Each time we used the stock boat, we came up with an idea for updating Aquarius with fishing, diving, and cruising a 29' sportfishing platform in mind. However time was always in our way though. Then in August 2015, a transmission overheated and broke a main gear requiring a 3rd haulout.

A long list was made of the things the Aquarius did NOT do well and this was the time frame when Aquarius turned into a newly designed and completely upgraded Split Decision, a 29' sportfishing machine :